Tuesday, April 20, 2021

May 2021 Prince Philip Planned His Own Service


Like many around the world, I watched the funeral of Prince Philip. I’m not a “royal watcher” as such, though I love the show The Crown. But, not surprisingly for a pastor, it is always interesting to witness how faith is expressed by different people in different settings. So while I have a general sense of this long-time royal, aided by a fictionalized television show, I was more intrigued by how a funeral such as this, at a time like this, comes to pass.

And what I heard, as much as anything else, is that Philip planned his own service. From the choice of church (he had many to choose from), the 700 military personnel, personal touches like his cap and sword on the coffin, to designing the Land Rover that would carry his body. A “smaller affair” by royal standards, commentators noted this also reflected his desire for a “simple” service. He picked biblical passages and musical pieces that were meaningful to him, but despite the several clergy involved, he chose to have no eulogy or homily. And, as I’ve experienced whenever deep love is expressed, it was a beautiful, eloquent service.

I share this in light of a church member who recently shared how helpful it was to have a departed love one provide many of their funeral arrangements in advance. You don’t have to be in ill health or 99 years old to think of Scripture verses or hymns that mean a lot to you. Perhaps the best time for such discussions and selections is when your heart is burning within you.

As you may remember, each year I dedicate one of my monthly newsletter columns to the same subject: funeral preparations. Whether death comes suddenly or after a protracted illness, or upon reaching a certain age, there is a degree of surprise to death when it finally comes. Despite its inevitability, people often feel like there is always more time available. But that time comes for all of us, and family members can feel unnecessarily guilt badly for not knowing their loved one’s favorite Bible passages or hymns, or other meaningful wishes. Please take the time to talk with your loved ones, to write down your desires. The time you take now will save a lot more than time down the road.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

February 2021 Fast or Fill


   Whether they are New Year’s resolutions, an impulse to improve yourself, or the Invitation to Lent, after about a month our best of intentions can take the road less traveled. Perhaps, after trying a new thing on for size, we realize this isn’t the year for taking this particular thing on, or our heart isn’t really set on giving this other thing up.

   Rather than scrapping the Lenten desire to better follow Jesus, take some time to discern what might be more meaningful to you. Instead of “better luck next year,” take the time you have ahead of you to experiment with something else.

   After all, if what you are really trying to maintain is the fire of your faith to follow Jesus, keeping that spark alive is what’s most important, not the details of how you do it.

   If you find you’re running out of steam on your Ash Wednesday intentions, Pope Francis recently offered some possibilities for “fasting and filling” that may address your yearning to make this a meaningful Lent.

The Pope asks, “Do you want to fast this Lent?” before offering the following alternatives:

Fast from hurting words and say kind words.

Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude

Fast from anger and be filled with patience.

Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.

Fast from worries and trust in God.

Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity.

Fast from pressures and be prayerful.

Fast from bitterness and fill your heart with joy.

Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others.

Fast from grudges and be reconciled.

Fast from words and be silent so you can listen.


   You could just sit with these for a bit, asking God, and yourself, which one of these might be most necessary or fruitful for you at this time in your life. Whether the reason is clear to you or not, is there one invitation, or a pair, that seems to touch you more deeply than the others?


   Thanks be to God if your Shrove Tuesday intentions for the Lenten invitation remains strong. But if not, there’s no reason to wait until 2022. Whether you begin today, tomorrow, or the next day, “now is the acceptable time” to follow Jesus.

January 2021


We live in contentious times, with people divided on so many things. I know that everyone doesn’t see things the way I do. You may be surprised to hear this, but I don’t always agree with you.

Maybe you’re not surprised at all, given that we can disagree even with those whom we are closest. Honestly, many of you have probably realized I frequently disagree with myself! I’m in good company. Paul writes “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.”

You’ve heard me speak on the importance of humility, that even if we think we are right, we should be no more than 99% sure; there should always be at least 1% of us wondering if the other might be right.

Our different opinions and perspectives are real, but they are never complete. At best we see through a glass darkly. So what if instead of emphasizing our incomplete understanding, we focused our view on the only One who is capable of making us whole: Jesus, who unites us not because of our understanding, but his faithfulness.

In My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers writes, “Paul was devoted to a Person, not to a cause. He was absolutely Jesus Christ’s. He saw nothing else, and he lived for nothing else.”

As your pastor, I swear to God and all the hosts of heaven, that my care for will not be dimmed, regardless of how we see things. You are more than your ideas to me, whether or not I agree with them. And I hope you see me that way as well.

Lent is often turned into taking things on (such as spiritual disciplines) or laying things down (like favorite foods). This Lent, with all of the stresses of COVID-19, I invite you to lay down taking on too much. Life is stressful enough.

But where you can, instead of making agreement or disagreement your focus, which we know only in part, “Behold the Lamb of God” in each person.

Take on the practice of finding Christ within the other, and him crucified.

Wishing you a blessed Lent