Saturday, April 17, 2021

April 2019 The Serenity Prayer in the Midst of Adversity


Among the many devastating events this year, the one that likely drew the most international attention did not result in any loss of life. That would be the sight of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame ablaze. Although so different in so many ways, from cause to casualties, it was difficult not to think back on the Twin Towers, each reaching to the sky, twisted by fire.

In the days following, popular sentiment was loud to rebuild Notre Dame exactly as it was, and those with ample means were praised for pledging up to a billion dollars in support. While the immediacy of crisis promotes snap judgments, the passage of time ought to give time for reflection. Alas, the French Senate voted for an exact restoration as late as last week. 

I certainly understand the impulse to rebuild such a beautiful place, a landmark felt to be holy by so many. In the wake of 9/11 that same impulse was certainly expressed. Time and reflection led to constructing a beautiful place. But a new place.

One wishes that Reinhold Niebuhr’s “Serenity Prayer” was among those prayers said in the wake of the fire: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…” There is no original Notre-Dame to restore, only the Notre-Dame known in our lifetime. It is a beloved place, but one that has been modified, renovated, and vandalized in its 850 years.

Moreover, the church as we have known it is changing. Once a cultural norm, church attendance is now the exception rather than the rule. Notre-Dame was built as a place for people to worship, but now it is now known largely as a tourist attraction; as one website reminds, “but it is also a church.” If its worship attendance is anything like much of the world’s, it is a fraction of what it once was. We cannot change that this Cathedral is no longer a centerpiece of religious life, and no longer home to so many worshippers.

“… the courage to change the things I can…” Jesus said almost nothing about building churches, but he had much to say about caring for others, especially the poor and needy. For the many around the world who contributed amounts small or large in the wake of the fire, how does that compare to their giving to that which Jesus did testify: sharing the Gospel, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, caring for the sick.

Some believers give 10% or more in support of such charitable efforts, some congregations pledge 50% of what they receive to the mission outside the church. Certainly those without religious affiliation can be just as generous. That is changing something that we can, as those dollars large and small can make a significant difference in someone’s life.

“…and the wisdom to know the difference” between giving a gift to rebuild a building and building the kingdom. No doubt there are mixed motives behind the pledges toward repairing Notre-Dame. Some are acting out of faith, a connection to their beliefs. Others may be doing so out of national pride or a love of beautiful architecture.

If rebuilding a landmark, that may be generous, but it is no more laudable than a team owner building a stadium. It is a choice. It is not simply a choice between repair or not repair. Ask for the wisdom to determine the difference between needed repair and exact restoration, the latter coming at an immense price.

If repair is a matter of faith, however. then ask for the wisdom to know this difference: when supporting God’s church, are we called to care for people or steeple?


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